Wednesday, August 08, 2007

WEEK 11......

-The Zelkova tree-
Oh, yeah! It's such grown up! ......hahaha, I've done it. I'd left it for 3 weeks because I've been busy. So, I've cut the long extra branches. Woooo, it was so close......

-He must miss him-
While I left the mambonsai, one of the figure has gone. Where has it gone? Who did take it? For what? I think his partner that is left behind under the tree must miss him. If whom had taken him read this blog, please, please give him back! .....Anyways, It seems that I should get new figure.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


-The zelkova tree-
I left my mambonsai behind my business for a while, then it made some extra branches should be cut. I've given a cut, but I couldn't take a photo after it because of my camera's low battery.....