Monday, May 28, 2007


--the zelkova tree--
I've put the mosses I've brought from Tottori pref on the Gacha-Pon pot. It looks better, eh? Then I cut two new branches that came out from the top of the tree.

--the shoots--
They looks already gone. I think it was very bad for them that being exposed to the direct rays of the sun. Anyways, I should pick more shoots up and make kinda plant of shoots, more carefully.

Monday, May 21, 2007


--a zelkova tree--
I've been given this by the master of Man-Bonsai, Mr. Paradise Yamamoto. Now I'm making it ready for Man-Bonsai. Its pot is a case of Gacha-Pon. Now its surface is covered by mosses. Moss helps to moisten the soil of the pot. I've got the mosses at Tottori pref.

I've got these shoots today. I danno the name of the first one. The second one is maybe Cherry tree, Someiyoshino. I picked them up from the trunk of each mother trees those are around my house. Now I think I should get shoots from their roots. They seem that no chace to make their roots in the pots.